The following tips and advice are commonly known and repeated "sound bites" of self-defense.

Be assertive
Kick to the groin
Use anything available as a weapon
Fight with everything you have
Get medical attention
Never be taken to a secondary location
Be aware of your surrounding
Escape at the first opportunity
Stomp on the instep
Never give up
Carry a mobile phone
Get away as fast as you can
Talk to someone you trust
Gouge the attacker's eyes
Yell as loud as you can
Have an exit strategy
Take a self-defense class
Use your intuition
Don't Take a shower
Walk in groups at night
Never corner the attacker
Write down what happened

DO THIS...DON'T DO THAT...These "sound bites" are only useful if you are able see them as mere examples of the five steps of self-defense.Each one may be catagorized by the stages of DECIDE DETER DISRUPT DISENGAGE DEBRIEF.


Using the framework of the 5 D's allows the "sound bites" to be ordered in a manner that creates understanding. All tips, techniques, tactics, and strategies of self-defense can be organized and catagorized in this manner.

Never be taken to a secondary location
Carry a mobile phone
Take a self-defense class
Never give up

Be aware of your surroundings
Be assertive
Use your intuition
Walk in groups at night.

Kick to the groin
Use anything available as a weapon
Fight with everything you have
Stomp on the instep
Gouge the attacker's eyes
Yell as loud as you can

Escape at the first opportunity
Get away as fast as you can
Never corner the attacker
Have an exit strategy

Don't take a shower
Talk to someone you trust
Write down what happened
Get medical attention


Unknown said...

Another great way to DECIDE not to be a victim is to prepare yourself for an attack by carrying a non lethal weapon. If you don't feel comfortable carrying a gun or you don't want to go through the bother of obtaining a concealed pistol license, buying a non lethal weapon like a taser or stun gun is a great way to protect yourself. If you do go the non lethal route, be sure to check your state to see if you can carry a stun gun or taser. If not, you may need to reexamine the concealed carry license which would allow you to carry either a lethal or non lethal weapon.

Renzo Gracie Garwood said...

The article is very interesting and effective. Thank you and good luck for the upcoming articles.

Carlos Henrique Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu said...

Thanks for sharing such informative things.

Anonymous said...

Found your post interesting to read. I cant wait to see your post soon. Good Luck for the upcoming update.